Certificate in Genetics - Directed Project in Medical Sciences
SCIE 4100X/Y Directed Project in Medical Sciences
This is an outside-the-classroom learning experience in which the student works on a research project relevant to medical sciences under the direction of a supervisor. Suitable work environments may be located at any Dalhousie-affiliated site. Supervisors may be in any department/Faculty.
NOTES: To register for this class, a student must find a supervisor willing to supervise the work experience. The student and supervisor must sign a learning agreement that has been approved by the course coordinator.
FORMAT: Other (explain in comments)
FORMAT COMMENTS: Internship/Practicum
PREREQUISITES: Permission of coordinator required. Students are advised to have at least 2 senior (3000- or 4000-level) courses on topics relevant to the research area, including SCIE3100 (Research Skills in Medical Sciences). Minimum B average (GPA 3.0) in at least three of the following Medical Sciences 3rd Year core courses (
PHAC 3001,
MICI 3115,
ANAT 3010,
PATH 3000,
PHIL 2810).
RESTRICTIONS: Open only to Major students in the Bachelor of Science Medical Sciences Program.
EXCLUSIONS: Lab work that is part of another scheduled class or paid employment cannot be used towards
SCIE 4100X/Y. Cannot be taken concurrently with SCIE3100. Cannot be taken with
SCIE 4900X/Y.