Certificate in Genetics - Directed Project in Medical Sciences I
SCIE 4101 Directed Project in Medical Sciences I
This is the first half of an outside-the-classroom learning experience in which the student works on a research project relevant to medical sciences under the direction of a supervisor. Suitable work environments may be located at any Dalhousie-affiliated site. Supervisors may be in any department/Faculty.
NOTES: Open only to students in the Bachelor of Science Medical Sciences Program. To register for this class, a student must find a supervisor willing to supervise the work experience. The student and supervisor must sign a learning agreement that has been approved by the course coordinator. This course must be taken in the same academic year as SCIE 4
102.03 and no credit can be given for one course without the other. Grades will not be assigned for SCIE 4
101.03 until SCIE 4
102.03 has also been completed.
FORMAT: Other (explain in comments)
FORMAT COMMENTS: Students are responsible for drafting a learning agreement with the supervisor to specify learning outcomes, activities designed to accomplish these outcomes, a quantifiable assessment strategy, and a timeline. Scheduling is arranged between student and supervisor. A minimum of 84 hours and a maximum of 96 hours of work experience (per term) should be documented. This may represent 7-8 hours per week throughout a term or concentrated over a shorter time in the summer.
PREREQUISITES: Permission of coordinator required. Students are advised to have at least 2 senior (3000- or 4000-level) courses on topics relevant to the research area, including
SCIE 3100.03 (Experiential Learning in Medical Sciences). Minimum B average (GPA 3.0) in at least three of the following Medical Sciences 3rd year core courses (
PHAC 3001.03,
MICI 3115.03,
ANAT 3010.03,
PATH 3000.03,
PHIL 2805.03 or
PHIL 2810.03).
EXCLUSIONS: Open only to students in the Bachelor of Science Medical Sciences Program. Research work that is part of another scheduled class or paid employment cannot be used towards SCIE 4
101.03. Cannot be taken concurrently with SCIE 3
100.03. Cannot be taken with SCIE 4
901.03 or SCIE 4902.03.