Minor in French - Français niveau avancé I/Advanced French I FREN 2047   Français niveau avancé I/Advanced French I
This course develops a more advanced knowledge of French. It offers a detailed study of grammar through an in-depth analysis of all components of simple, complex, and marked sentences leading to paragraph and text analysis. Various grammar, writing, and translation exercises will aim at developing the ability to communicate in clear, accurate written French. This course is followed by FREN 2048.03.
NOTES: Students must complete both FREN 2047 and FREN 2048 to satisfy the degree requirements for a Major or Minor in French.
FORMAT: Lecture
PREREQUISITES: FREN 1045X/Y.06 or FREN 1048. 03 (final grade of B or above), FREN 1050X/Y.06 or FREN 1058.03 (final grade of B or above), or 2000-level Placement Test result