Minor in Environmental Studies - Energy and the Environment
PHYC 2310 Energy and the Environment
The physical principles and limitations of renewable energy source utilization and energy conversion. A quantitative introduction to energy conversion and storage systems, including solar power and heating, wind, tidal, geothermal, hydroelectric, nuclear power, hydrogen technology, electrical and mechanical energy storage. The input of these energy options on the global climate and environment will be discussed.
FORMAT: Lecture
PHYC 1190.03/1290.03 (or
PHYC 1310/1320), C
HEM 1011.03/1012.03, a
nd MATH 1000.03
(or MATH 1215.03), or permission of the instructor.
ENVS 2310.03
EXCLUSIONS: Students who have previously taken PHYC 3330 can not take
PHYC 2310.