Minor in Environmental Studies - Integrated Science I SCIE 1506   Integrated Science I
This course comprises the first half of the Integrated Science Program, a challenging first year option for BSc students interested in exploring connections among science disciplines. SCIE 1506 consists of lectures, laboratories, and field trips in Biology, Psychology and Statistics, as well as integrated lectures and workshops that cut across disciplines. It also has an interdisciplinary Writing in Science component that prepares students for research projects in SCIE 1507. Together, SCIE 1506 and SCIE 1507 provide comprehensive first-year preparation for major or honours degrees in science. Students in Integrated Science I must also register for CHEM 1011.03 and PHIL 1050.03 (Ethics in Science). Registration in PHYC 1190.03 or PHYC 1310.03 is recommended for students considering programs that require Physics. For calculus, students register in MATH 1000.03 (fall or winter) or MATH 1215.03 (fall or winter). Students taking MATH 1010.03 in fall term have the option to additionally take MATH 1010.03 in winter term.
NOTES: SCIE 1506 and SCIE 1507 are to be taken in consecutive terms. Both must be completed to receive credit for the Writing in Science component (equivalent to SCIE 1111.03).
  • Lecture
  • Lab

COREQUISITES: PHIL 1050.03, CHEM 1011.03
RESTRICTIONS: Registration is restricted to Integrated Science students.
EXCLUSIONS: BIOL 1011.03, BIOL 1021.03, PSYO 1011.03, STAT 1060.03