Minor in Geography - Geographic Information Science Research Project ERTH 4850   Geographic Information Science Research Project
Students learn how to design, manage and complete a research project in Geographic Information Science (GIS). Projects must include a substantive analytical component where GIS is central to methods employed. Evaluation includes a written report, oral presentation and digital data. Required for completion of the Certificate in GIS.
FORMAT: Lecture
COREQUISITES: ERTH 5420.03/GEOG 4520.03/ERTH4520.03
PREREQUISITES: ENVS 3500.03/ERTH 3500.03/GEOG 3500.03
CROSS-LISTING: SCIE 4850.03, ENVS 4850,03, ERTH 4850.03, GEOG 4850.03
EXCLUSIONS: Restricted to 3rd and 4th year students