Certificate in Intercultural Communication - Langue et culture/Language and Culture
FREN 2021 Langue et culture/Language and Culture
Normally follows
FREN 1045X/Y.06 or 1050X/Y.06, and is taken in the second year of study. This course provides the opportunity to practise and improve language skills (vocabulary and grammar) already acquired. Each year sections offer topics from the options listed below. Each section focuses upon a broad cultural topic via which language skills are developed. No prior knowledge of the topic is supposed. Various readings lead to discussions and oral presentations. Descriptions for sections offered in a specific year may be obtained in April from the Department. All classes and assignments are entirely in French. A maximum of two sections may be taken under the class designation of
FREN 2021.03 and 2022.02. Approved in part with Canadian Studies (topic 7 and 14), IDS (topic 3), and Film Studies (topic 12). Topic 01: Les cultures autochtones au Québec; Topic 02: La société française à travers la littérature; Topic 03: La civilisation francophone de l'Afrique occidentale et des Antilles; Topic 04: Études acadiennes; Topic 05: Monuments culturels de Paris; Topic 06: La France et ses photographes; Topic 07: Québécois et Québécoises célèbres; Topic 08: Contes et légendes; Topic 09: Nature et culture: C. Elson; Topic 10: L'Art en France depuis la Révolution; Topic 11: Voyages culturels à travers la France; Topic 12: Aspects du cinéma français et francophone: C. Elson; Topic 13: Faim et festin: I. BlackTopic; 14: Communication et compétence interculturelle; Topic 15: Francophonie et civilisation marocaine: D. Aissaoui
FORMAT: Lecture
FREN 1045X/Y.06 or FREN 1050X/Y.06, or
FREN 1047.03 and
FREN 1048.03, or
FREN 1057.03 and
FREN 1058.03, or 2000-level Placement Test result, or instructor’s permission
CANA 2021.03. Please note that the cross-listing with Canadian Studies depends on the topic of the course. Please check with instructor.