Certificate in Management Accounting - Introductory Accounting I (Financial)
COMM 1101 Introductory Accounting I (Financial)
An introduction to the principles and practices used by accountants in processing and communicating data, both within and outside the organization. Emphasis is on financial accounting and reporting used in the measurement and reporting of an organization's operating, financing and investing activities to external users.
Students will develop an understanding of basic financial accounting methodologies, and develop the analytical and procedural skills related thereto; as well as understand the information content of conventional financial statements, and the inherent limitations of accounting data. The organizational context includes business and not-for-profit settings. The coverage includes an examination of the accounting process, basic issues in financial reporting, and the financial statement disclosure requirements.
NOTES: Students who have completed COMM 2101.03 or
MGMT 1101.03 (MGMT 2101.03) cannot also receive credit for
COMM 1101.03.
FORMAT COMMENTS: Lectures are interactive with the expectation that students are ready to participate in class both on an individual basis as well as within a group context. Class attendance is mandatory as many deliverables are announced and prepared during class time.
Tutorials are offered but optional.
MGMT 1101.03