Welcome - Writing About Stage and Screen
PERF 1002 Writing About Stage and Screen
This course introduces the fundamentals of communication in an academic environment, specifically in relation to writing about stage and screen. It challenges you to improve your ability to describe, persuade, analyze and theorize on paper and aloud, with an emphasis on writing. It also examines the variety of sources used in writing about stage and screen. Writing, editing and revising are difficult; no one ever "finishes" learning to write, but you will improve your writing over the course of the year.
PERF 1000.03 and
PERF 1001.03 or
PERF 1000.03 and
PERF 1002.03 satisfies the Arts and Science Writing requirement.
FORMAT COMMENTS: Meets Writing Requirement when taken with
PERF 1002.03.
PERF 1000.03
EXCLUSIONS: THEA 1000.03, THEA 1300.03