Welcome - Introduction to Psychology and Neuroscience II: From Social Interaction to Psychopathology
PSYO 1022 Introduction to Psychology and Neuroscience II: From Social Interaction to Psychopathology
This course extends the coverage offered in
PSYO 1011.03 or
PSYO 1021.03 or
PSYO 1031.03 and includes material on development, cognition, intelligence, motivation, personality, social behaviour, and psychopathology. The course is taught by one or two different instructors with expertise in the topics covered. This course has no accompanying laboratory/tutorial.
NOTES: To enrol in 2000-level Psychology courses, a grade of B- is required in Intro to Psychology I (
PSYO 1011.02 or
PSYO 1021.03 or
PSYO 1031.03) AND Intro to Psychology II (
PSYO 1012.03 or
PSYO 1022.03 or
PSYO 1032.03).
FORMAT: Lecture
EXCLUSIONS: PSYO 1000X/Y.06, PSYO 1001X/Y.06, PSYO 1010X/Y.06,
PSYO 1012.03,
PSYO 1032.03, SCIE 1500X/Y.30, SCIE 1501X/Y.27, SCIE 1503X/Y.21, SCIE 1504X/Y.27, SCIE 1510X/Y.33, SCIE 1515X/Y.36, SCIE 1520X/Y.30, SCIE 1540X/Y.27,
SCIE 1505X/Y.18,
SCIE 1506.03,
SCIE 1507.03