Certificate in Intercultural Communication
The Certificate in Intercultural Communication is open to students from any Faculty at Dalhousie, and welcomes both Canadian and International students. It offers the globally-minded student an opportunity to combine academic and experiential learning in order to understand and communicate more effectively with people from cultures different from their own.
Contact Person: Dr. Rebecca Babcock
Location: McCain 3030
Contact information: (902) 494-1440 CIC@dal.ca
Website: dal.ca/cic
Academic Components
(graduate students may receive advance standing for these components)
- One full academic credit focusing on the understanding of culture, chosen from the list below.
- Foreign/second language at or beyond the 2000 level or equivalent N.B. This requirement is satisfied:
- by taking foreign/second language courses at Dalhousie at the second-year level
- if the student is a native speaker of a language other than English and studying at Dal
- by non-credit community-based learning of such languages as Mi’kmaq or American Sign Language
N.B. Approval of the advisor is required for those students wishing to satisfy this requirement by options (II) or (III) above.
Extended Experiential Component
- Minimum one semester work or study abroad (or at Dalhousie for international students)
- Minimum (75 hours) volunteering or working in an intercultural context within Canada
N.B. Students may satisfy this requirement by a blending of work/study abroad for less than one full semester and a local volunteer or work placement. Students wishing to satisfy this requirement by a volunteer or work placement, or a blend of study abroad and work/volunteer placement, need the approval of the advisor.
Theoretical and practical understanding of issues in intercultural communication (three credit hours required: ASSC 3150.03).
Courses satisfying the Academic credit (six credit hours required):
- ARBC 2100.03/RELS 2052.03: A Cultural Intro to Arab World
- CANA 1102.03/INTD 1102.03: Halifax and the World I
- CANA 1103.03/INTD 1103.03: Halifax and the World II
- CANA 2050.03/HIST 2205.03: Historical Issues in Indigenous Studies
- CANA 2052.03/SOSA 2052.03 Contemporary Issues in Indigenous Studies
- CANA 3001.03/INDG 3400.03: Contemporary Indigenous Art
- CANA 3401.03/INTD 3401.03: Indigenous Representation in Film
- CANA 3050.03/INDG 3050.03: Indigenous Research Methodology & Knowledge Practices
- CANA 3052.03/INDG 3052.03/SOSA 3052.03: Indigenous Social Health and Environmental Issues
- CHIN 2050.03/SOSA 2051.03: Chinese Culture
- CHIN 2052.03/CTMP 2336.03: East Meets West in Popular Culture
- CHIN 2080.03/EMSP 2450.03: The East is Read: Early Modern Concepts of Asian Thought
- CHIN 2082.03/EMSP 2390.03/CTMP 2102.03/HSTC 2811.03: Asia & the West: Centuries of Dialogue
- CHIN 3050.03/FILM 3350.03: Topics in Asian Cinema
- CHIN 3080.03/ENGL 3087.03: Literature of the Asian Diasporta
- CTMP 2336.03/CHIN 2052.03: East Meets West in Popular Culture
- CTMP 2102.03/CHIN 2082.03/EMSP 2390.03/HSTC 2811.03: Asia & the West: Centuries of Dialogue
- EMSP 2390.03/CHIN 2082.03/CTMP 2102.03/HSTC 2811.03: Asia & the West: Centuries of Dialogue
- EMSP 2450.03/CHIN 2080.03: The East is Read: Early Modern Conceptions of Asian Thought
- EMSP 2490/HSTC 2220/CTMP 2207: Ideas of the Sea and Seafaring: Intercultural Perspectives
- ENGL 1005.03: Global Literatures
- ENGL 2070.03: African-American Literature
- ENGL 2090.03: Literature, Migration, and Citizenship
- ENGL 3070.03: 20th Century African-American Novel
- ENGL 3086.03: Post-Colonial Literature
- ENGL 3087.03/CHIN 3080.03: Literature of the Asian Diaspora
- FILM 3350.03/CHIN 3050.03: Topics in Asian Cinema
- FREN 2021.03: Langue et culture/Language and Culture (specific topics only; check with CIC advisor)
- FREN 3101.03: Culture et civilisation francaises/French Culture and Civilisation
- FREN 3125.03/INTD 3125.03: The Francophone World
- FREN 3150.03/INTD 3150.03: Aspects de la francophonie/Aspects of the Francophone World
- FREN 3175.03/INTD 3175.03: Topical Issues in Francophonie
- GWST 1015.03: Gender and Diversity
- GWST 2053.03: Women and Islam
- GWST 2191.03/SOSA 2191.03: Gender Across Cultures
- GERM 3400.03: Germany and Europe: The Cultural Union
- HIST 2205.03/CANA 2050.03: Historical Issues in Indigenous Studies
- HIST 2384.03/SPAN 2109.03: Cuba from Colonial Times
- HIST 2385.03/SPAN 2110.03: Cuban Cultural Revolution
- HIST 2425.03: Africa Before 1900
- HIST 2006.03: Atlantic World 1450-1650
- HIST 2007.03: Atlantic World 1650-1800
- HIST 2426.03: Africa Since 1900
- HIST 3452.03: South Africa Since 1860
- HIST 3471.03: Wars and Revolutions in Twentieth-Century Africa
- HIST 4360.03: Slavery & US Political Culture
- HSTC 2811.03/EMSP 21390.03/CHIN 2082.03/CTMP 2102.03: Asia & the West: Centuries of Dialogue
- INDG 2050.03/HIST 2205.03/CANA 2050.03: Historical Issues in Indigenous Studies
- INDG 2052.03/CANA 2052.03: Contemporary Issues in Indigenous Studies
- INDG 3002.03/CANA 3002.03: Topics in Indigenous Studies
- INDG 3050.03/CANA 3050.03: Indigenous Research Methodology & Knowledge Practices
- INDG 3052.03/SOSA 3052.03/CANA 3052.03: Indigenous Social Health and Environmental Issues
- INDG 3400.03/CANA 3001.03: Contemporary Indigenous Art
- INDG 4000.03: Seminar in Indigenous Studies
- INTD 1102.03/CANA 1102.03: Halifax and the World I
- INTD 1103.03/CANA 1103.03: Halifax and the World II
- INTD 2001.03: Introduction to Development I
- INTD 2002.03: Introduction to Development II
- INTD 2045.03: Indian Society
- INTD 2106.03: Africa: An Introduction
- INTD 3125.03/FREN 3125.03: The Francophone World
- INTD 3175.03/FREN 3175.03: Topical Issues in Francophonie
- IPHE 2201.03: Introduction to Aboriginal People's Health and Healing
- PHIL 2475.03: Justice in Global Perspective
- POLI 3305.03: Human Rights: Foundations
- POLI 3315.03: African Politics
- POLI 3321.03: Politics of the European Union
- POLI 3360.03: Politics in Latin America
- POLI 3365.03: Politics of the Middle East
- NURS 2080.03: Social and Cultural Determinants of Health
- SLWK 3220.03: Cross-Cultural Issues and Social Work Practice
- SLWK 3160.03: Social Work with Aboriginal Populations
- SLWK 3245.03: Queer Centred Social Work Practice
- SLWK 3110.03: Africentric Perspectives in Social Work
- SLWK 3120.03: International Social Work
- SOSA 1002.03: People and Culture
- SOSA 1050.06: Explorations in Culture and Society
- SOSA 2001.06: Ethnography in a Global Context
- SOSA 2006.03: Global Migrations, Transnational Lives
- SOSA 2051.03/CHIN 2050.03: Chinese Culture
- SOSA 2052.03/CANA 2052.03: Contemporary Issues in Indigenous Studies
- SOSA 2101.03: Environment and Culture
- SOSA 2140.03: Going Global: Geography, Economy and Work in the 21st Century
- SOSA 2191.03/GWST 2191.03: Gender Across Cultures
- SOSA 2292.03: Goblins, Ghosts, Gods, Gurus I
- SOSA 2293.03: Goblins, Ghosts, Gods, Gurus II
- SOSA 2402.03: Food and Culture
- SOSA 2933.03: Health and Culture
- SOSA 3002.03: Native Peoples of Canada
- SOSA 3014.03: Rethinking Culture and Class
- SOSA 3052.03/INDG 3052.03/CANA 3052.03: Indigenous Social Health and Environmental Issues
- SOSA 3091.03: The Sociology of Culture
- SOSA 3149.03: Childhood in Cross-Cultural Perspective
- SOSA 3206.03: Ethnicity, Nationalism and Race
- SOSA 3225.03: Culture, Rights and Power
- SOSA 3228.03: Belief Systems: Symbol, Myth and Meaning
- SOSA 3165.03: People and Cultures of the World: Selected Area Studies
- SOSA 3168.03: Issues in Latin American Society
- SOSA 3310.03: Indian Society: Change and Continuity
- SOSA 3185.03: Issues in the Study of Indigenous Peoples of North America
- SPAN 2069.03: Mexico/Central America to 1979
- SPAN 2070.03: Area Studies on Mexico/Central America
- SPAN 2090.03: Introduction to Hispanic Literature
- SPAN 2109.03/HIST 2384.03: Cuba from Colonial Times to 1961
- SPAN 2110.03/HIST 2385.03: Cuba in Revolution, 1961-the Present
- SPAN 2130.03/HIST 2388.03: Latin American Dictators: Fact/Fiction
- SPAN 2150.03: Hispanic Identities through Film
- SPAN 2200.03: Latin America: From the Maya to the 21st Century
- SPAN 3215.03: Seminar in Spanish American Women Writers
- SPAN 3510.03: Contemporary Spanish American Literature
- SPAN 3515.03: Introduction to Latin American Literature