Certificate in Environmental Impact Assessment
Offered by: Faculty of Science
EIA Certificate Coordinator: Patricia Lane (Biology), patricia.lane@dal.ca
The Certificate in Environmental Impact Assessment is for students who are interested in, or majoring in environmental areas, and who wish to pursue additional training in EIA. This certificate is available to students in the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of Management, and the College of Sustainability.
Students will learn to:
- Apply a Project EIA Framework in the preparation of a Nova Scotia - based EIA.
- Demonstrate an understanding of relevant federal and provincial (Nova Scotia) legislation.
- Design a meaningful stakeholder participation program.
- Use environmental impact and risk methodologies to accurately predict project impacts.
- Design an Environmental Management Plan that includes: mitigation, enhancement, compensation, monitoring, residual impacts and project accountability.
- Prepare a comprehensive project EIA for a physical project
- Prepare a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for a federal policy.
Disclaimer: This EIA Certificate was developed within Dalhousie University and it is not designed to fulfill any governmental and/or professional requirements outside of the university, in Canada or abroad.
The Certificate requires a total of 24 credit hours as follows:
- Required EIA course: BIOL 4001.03/ENVS 4001.03 (3 credit hours) to be taken in fourth year. Note: transfer or online courses are not acceptable substitutes for this requirement.
- Introductory Science, SUST, Agriculture, or FASS course (minimum 3 credit hours) from Table 1.
- Environmental courses with theoretical content from Table 2 (minimum 9 credit hours).
- Methods courses with field, laboratory, statistical, or modelling experience from Table 3 (minimum 3 credit hours).
- Supplementary courses in Major or Related Disciplines from Table 4 (minimum 6 credit hours).
Students must obtain a minimum grade of B for all courses counted toward the certificate.
Classes cannot be substituted from one table to another. Please note that many classes are cross-listed, but only listed once for the department offering the class below. Students can use any one of the cross-listings.
Table 1. Introductory Courses Checklist (minimum of 3 credit hours from following list)
BIOL 2060.03: Introductory Ecology OR BIOA 3001.03: Ecology
ENVA2000.03/APSC2012.03: Environmental Studies I
ENVA2001.03: Environmental Studies II
ENVS 1100.03: Foundations of Environmental Science
ENVS 1200.03: Current Environmental Challenges: Analysis and Solutions
ERTH 2410.03/ENVS 2410.03: Environmental Issues in Earth Science
GEOG 2100.06/SOSA 2100.06: Environment and Culture
INTD 2001.03/GEOG 2201.03: Introduction to Development 1
INTD 2002.03/GEOG 2202.03: Introduction to Development 2
OCEA 2001.03 and OCEA 2002.03: The Blue Planet
SUST 2000.06: Local Governance, Citizen Engagement, and Sustainability
SUST 2001.06: Global Environmental Governance
Table 2. Theory-Based Courses Checklist (minimum of 9 credit hours from following list)
AQUA2000.03: Introduction to Aquaculture
APSC 2000.03 Environmental Impacts and Resource Management
APSC2004.03/AQUA2004.03: Aquacultural Environment
APSC 3020.03 Energy Production and Utilization
BIOA3000.03: General Entomology
BIOA3002.03: Weed Science
BIOA3005.03: Aquatic Ecology
BIOL 3060.03: Environmental Ecology
BIOL 3061.03: Communities and Ecosystems
BIOL 3062.03: Behavioral Ecology
BIOL 3063.03/MARI 3063.03: Resource Ecology
BIOL 3065.03: Conservation Biology OR BIOA 4002.03 Conservation Biology
BIOL 3601.03: Nature Conservation
CHMA 3009.03: Environmental Chemistry
ECON 3335.03: Environmental Economics OR ECOA 3008.03: Environmental Economics
ECON 2216.03: Economics of Global Warming OR ECON 2850.06/ PHYC 2850.06 The Science and Economics of Climate Change or PHYC 2800.03 Climate Change
ECON 3332.03: Resource Economics
ECON 3335.03: Environmental Economics
ENVA 3000.03: Environmental Impact Assessment
ENVA 3002.03: Waste Management and Site Remediation
ENVA 3021.03: Ecohydrology
ENVS 3200.03: Introduction to Environmental Law
ENVS 3501.03: Environmental Problem Solving I
ENVS 3601.03/ERTH 3601.03: Global Biogeochemical Cycles
GEOG 3001.03/PLAN 3001.03: Landscape Ecology
GEOG 3005.03/PLAN 3005.03: Cities and the Environment
GEOG 3440.03/ERTH 3440.03: Geomorphology
MARI 3080.03/BIOL 3080.03: Ecology and Evolution of Fishes
MARI 3090.03: Marine Mammalogy
MARI 3602.03: Introduction to Aquaculture
MARI 3761.03/BIOL 3761.03: Marine Ecology
OCEA 3001.03: Introduction to Physical Oceanography
OCEA 3002.03: Introduction to Chemical Oceanography
OCEA 3420.03/ERTH 3420.03: Geochemistry of the Aquatic Environment
SOIL 2000.03: Introduction to Soil Science
SOSA 2101.03 Environment and Culture
SOSA 3052.03: Indigenous Social, Health and Environmental Issues
SOSA 3060.03: Social Change and Development
SOSA 3200.03: Environment and Society
SUST 3039.03: Indigenous Perspectives on Resource and Environmental Management
SUST 3102.03/GEOG 3102.03 Coastal Change and Adaptation
SUST 3106.03/GEOG 3106.03: The Canadian North, Environmental Change and Challenges
SUST 3702.03/ ENVS3702.03/MGMT3702.03 Sustainable Industries
Table 3. Field and Methods-Based Courses Checklist (minimum of 3 credit hours from following list)
ANSC 3007.03 African Wildlife Ecology
BIOL 2601.03: The Flora of Nova Scotia
BIOL 2605.03: Introduction to Marine Life of Nova Scotia
BIOL 3003.03/MARI 3003.03/OCEA 3003.03: Introduction to Field Oceanography
BIOL 3221.03/MARI 3221.03: Diversity of Algae
BIOL 3301.03/MARI 3301.03: Invertebrate Biology
BIOL 3327.03: Entomology
BIOL 3622.03: Ornithology
BIOL 3623.03/ENVS 3623.03/MARI 3623.03: Applied Coastal Ecology
BIOL 3626.03/MARI 3626.03: Field Studies of Marine Mammals
BIOL 3627.03/MARI 3627.03: Biology and Conservation of Sharks, Skates, and Rays
BIOL 3628.03/MARI 3628.03: Marine Ornithology
BIOL 3630.03: Field Methods in Animal Behavior
BIOL 3633.03/ENVS 3633.03/GEOG 3633.03/MARI 3633.03: Spatial Information and GIS in Ecology
BIOL 3634.03: Agroforestry
BIOL 3635.03 Species at Risk
BIOL 3639.03 Herpetology
BIOL 3640.03: Tropical Ecology and Biodiversity Field Class
BIOL 3664.03/ENVS 3664.03/MARI 3664.03: Intertidal Ecology and Diversity
BIOL 3680.03/MARI 3680.03: Scientific Diving Methods for Marine Ecology
BIOL 3762.03: Terrestrial Ecology
BIOL 3872 The Biologist’s Tool Kit
BIOL 4061.03: Design of Biological Experiments
BIOL 4062.03: Analysis of Biological Data
BIOL 4069.03: Applied Bayesian Statistics
BIOL 4080.03/MARI4080.03: Laboratory Studies of Fishes
BIOL 4323.03/MARI 4323.03: Biologging in Ecology
ENVA3001.03: Environmental Sampling and Analysis
ENVA2002.03: Composting and Compost Use
ENVA3003.03: Environmental Studies Field Course
ENVS 2000.03: Urban Field School
ENVS 2100.03: Environmental Informatics
ENVS 2500.03 Field Methods in Environmental Science
ENVS 3001.03: Environmental Science Field School
ENVS 3225.03/BIOL 3225.03/PLAN 3225.03: Plants in the Human Landscape
ENVS 3100.03 Environmental Analytics
ERTH 3500.03/ENVS 3500.03/GEOG 3500.03: Geoscience Information Management OR ENVA3005.03: Geographic Information Systems
ERTH 4520.03/GEOG 4520.03: GIS Applications to Environmental and Geological Sciences
ERTH 4530.03/GEOG 4530.03: Environmental Remote Sensing
GEOG 2001.03/PLAN 2001.03: Landscape Analysis
GEOG 2006.03/PLAN 2006.03: Space, Place and Geographic Information Systems
HORT 3000.03: Environmental Processes and Natural Landscape Functions
INTD 3002.03: Development Practice
MARI 3603.03: Practical Aquaculture
MARI 3604.03 Field Aquaculture
MARI 3682.03: Tropical Marine Biology
MARI 40890.03 Laboratory Studies of Fishes
MGMT 4507.03: Environmental Informatics
OCEA 2020.03: Tools and Concepts in Ocean Science I
OCEA 2021.03: Tools and Concepts in Ocean Science II
OCEA 3003.03: Introduction to Field Oceanography
OCEA 4210.03: Time Series Analysis in Oceanography and Meteorology
OCEA 4220.03: Numerical Modelling of Atmospheres and Oceans
OCEA 4380.03: Marine Modelling
SOSA 3403.03: Qualitative Field Methods
SUST 3000.03: Environmental Decision Making
SUST 3502.03/ENVS 3502.03: Environmental Problem Solving II The Campus as a Living Laboratory OR MGMT 3701.03/SUST 3701.03: The Community as a Living Laboratory
Table 4. Higher-level Supplementary Courses Checklist (minimum of 6 credit hours from following list)
ANSC4008.03: Carnivore Biology
APSC 4001.03 Water Quality Issues
APSC 4004.03 Energy Conservation and Assessment
APSC4005.03: Watershed Management and Environmental Restoration
APSC4006.03: Wastewater Management
BIOA4004.03: Animal Adaptation and Stress
BIOL 4003.03 Indigenous Perspectives in Conservation Biology
BIOL 4500.03: Evolution of Life History
BIOL 4065.03: Sustainability and Complexity
BIOL 4370.03: Deep Sea Biology
ECON 4350.03: Social Cost Benefit Analysis
ENVA 4006.03: Air, Climate, and Climate Change
ENVS 3400.03/GEOG 3400.03: Environment and Human Health
ENVS 4003.03/MARI 4003.03: Coral Reefs and Environmental Change
ENVS 4004.03/SUST 4004.03: Pathways to Sustainable Energy
ENVS 4100.03 Environmental Science Capstone
ERTH 3701.03/ENVS 3701.03: Fundamentals of Hydrology
ERTH 4410.03: Environmental Geoscience
MARI 4090.03: Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Mammals
MARI 4665.03/OCEA 4230.03: Hacking the Blue Planet
MCRA 4000.03 Soil Microbiology
MGMT 4031.03: Ecological Economics
MGMT 4047.03: Biodiversity Conservation System Design
MGMT 4205.03: Law and Policy for Resource and Environmental Management
MGMT 4504.03: Management of Resources and the Environment
MGMT 4505.03: Biophysical Dimensions of Resource and Environmental Management
OCEA 4000 4000.03: Oceans and Global Change
OCEA 4110.03/ERTH 4110.03: Geological Oceanography
OCEA 4120.03: Physical Oceanography
OCEA 4130.03: Chemical Oceanography
OCEA 4140.03/BIOL 4661.03/MARI 4661.03: Biological Oceanography
OCEA 4160.03/BIOL 4369.03/MARI 4369.03: Fisheries Oceanography
OCEA 4222.03: Estuary, Coast and Shelf Dynamics
OCEA 4230.03/BIOL 4662.03/MARI 4662.03: Biology of Phytoplankton
OCEA 4250.03: Acoustical Oceanography
OCEA 4330.03/BIOL 4666.03/MARI 4666.03: Benthic Ecology
OCEA 4335.03/BIOL 4335.03/MARI 4335.03: Environmental Impacts in Marine Ecosystems
OCEA 4401.03: Marine Management I
OCEA 4402.03: Marine Management II
OCEA 4502.03: Introduction to Atmospheric Science
OCEA 4595.03: Atmospheric Chemistry
SUST 4001.03 and SUST 4002.03 Environment, Sustainability, Society (ESS) Capstone
SUST 4125.03/MGMT 4125.03/PLAN 4125.03 Conflict Negotiation and Management